Mine sisu juurde

Otsingu tulemused

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.
Vasted otsingule length on a. Otsingule Lenoch Ondra ei leidunud vasteid.

  • hispaania: cable hollandi: kabellengte inglise: cable length, cable-length, length of cable, cable length itaalia: gomena kasahhi: кабельтов kreeka: ναυτικό...
    1 KB (118 sõna) - 23. jaanuar 2022, kell 21:31
  • jabber go on gab blather prattle blether blither babble babble on gabble prate drivel rattle away rattle on ramble maunder run on talk at length talk incessantly...
    3 KB (240 sõna) - 19. august 2017, kell 14:14
  • afloat keep an eye on keep an offing keep apart keep as a nest egg keep at a distance keep at a respectful distance keep at arm's length keep awake keep...
    12 KB (1325 sõna) - 20. aprill 2024, kell 00:01
  • a axis A B C à bas A battery à bon marché a cappella a capriccio A Carrier à cheval à couvert à deux A & E a fortiori à gogo à go-go à haute voix à la...
    136 KB (12 378 sõna) - 21. märts 2024, kell 17:21
  • Lemuridae Len lend lend a hand lend a helping hand lend at interest lend your ears lender lending lending library lending point length length and breadth lengthen...
    43 KB (4577 sõna) - 30. aprill 2023, kell 11:26
  • go on go on a course go on a crusade go on a diet go on a journey go on a trip go on a wartime footing go on about go on and on go on board go on forever...
    72 KB (7582 sõna) - 12. aprill 2024, kell 12:19
  • a hunch have a look at have a monkey on your back have a mote in the eye have a soft spot for have a stiffy have a take on have a talent for have a talk...
    71 KB (7172 sõna) - 17. juuni 2024, kell 11:04
  • put a bold face on put a call into put a curse on put a good face upon put a hex on put a question to put a quietus on put a quietus upon put a rocket...
    89 KB (8100 sõna) - 23. aprill 2024, kell 10:20
  • waistband waistcoat waist-deep waistline wait wait a minute wait a second wait and see wait for wait on you wait tables wait up wait upon wait with bated...
    36 KB (3900 sõna) - 28. august 2023, kell 14:53
  • alphabet runic character runic song runic symbol runic verse run-in run-length run-length encoding runlet runnel runner runners-up runnet running running account...
    49 KB (4718 sõna) - 10. märts 2024, kell 15:38
  • crane cable length cable railway cable release cable ship cable stitch cable television cable tramway cablegram cable-laid rope cable's length cableway cabman...
    159 KB (14 735 sõna) - 15. juuni 2024, kell 13:50
  • foaming foamy fob fob chain fob off fob on fob pocket focal focal distance focal infection focal inflammation focal length focal plane focal point focal ratio...
    81 KB (8390 sõna) - 2. märts 2024, kell 15:35
  • stand off stand on stand on a course stand on a straight course stand on ceremony stand on end stand on line stand on your own feet stand on your own two...
    129 KB (12 517 sõna) - 24. aprill 2024, kell 21:30